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Happy National Billboard Day

A salute to billboards
Thursday, Oct. 17, is National Billboard Day, and here's a reminder from the now-defunct Eaton's company that Christmas is not too far away.

Happy National Billboard Day!

Somebody, somewhere came up with the idea to salute big advertising boards on the sides of roadways or buildings on Oct. 17. 

This one is from the Eaton's store in Vernon, reminding us that Christmas is not too far away. The signs was created and erected by Vernon's Baker Signs Ltd.

There is no date to this photo, though a guess suggests it would be the late 1960s-early 1970s. And any guesses as to where in Vernon it might have been posted?

Neither Eaton's nor Baker Signs Ltd. is in operation today in Vernon.

The photo is courtesy of the Museum and Archives of Vernon.

Roger Knox

About the Author: Roger Knox

I am a journalist with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. I started my career in radio and have spent the last 21 years working with Black Press Media.
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