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Licence to rent: Sidney adopts new rule for short-term rentals

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, a business licence will be required to operate short-term rentals in Sidney

As of Jan. 1, short-term rental (STR) operators in Sidney are required to apply for a business licence and to list the rental property on an online platform such as Airbnb and Vrbo. 

The town council adopted the amendment of the business licence bylaw on Nov. 25, 2024. 

“By requiring business licensing, in addition to existing short-term rental regulations, the town hopes to more effectively ensure that homes are available for long-term rentals for residents” Mayor Cliff McNeil-Smith said.

Sidney chief administrative officer Liam Edwards adds that since the implementation of the new bylaw on Jan. 1, the town has already been receiving business licence applications from short-term rental operators. 

"The town does not currently have an exact number of STR, since property owners have not previously been obliged to register their rentals with the municipality," Edwards said. "Nonetheless, we calculate that there are probably 100 or so short-term rental suites available in Sidney."

In May 2024, British Columbia implemented provincewide rules for short-term rentals requiring hosts to display a valid business licence number on their online listings. Fines could be imposed on non-compliant hosts and platforms; for corporations, the fine could be as much as $10,000 per day.

Operators that require extra time to comply with building code or other bylaw requirements will be granted a one-year grace period until Dec. 31, 2025. Town staff will work with STR operators throughout the licensing process.

Short-term rental operators are encouraged to review the zoning requirements and ensure that their unit meets all bylaw requirements prior to applying for a business licence.

An annual $200 business licence fee is required to operate a short-term rental, but may be subject to provincial or federal taxes based upon income earned from their STR operation.

Council said those who do not have a business licence in 2026 will not be able to operate or advertise through online platforms. 

Sidney now joins the City of Victoria, the districts of Metchosin and Sooke and the Town of View Royal in requiring operators of short-term rentals to secure a business licence.

About the Author: Peninsula News Review Staff

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