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Light up the Night, a Rotary Club of Ladysmith event, 7:30 p.m. at Transfer Beach

Rotary lights up the night Feb.18

Help ‘Light up the Night’ by setting loose candle-powered lanterns into the night sky.

Grad funds available

Grads who want to apply for financial awards have just a few days to get their applications in.
‘I Love Saltair’ draws crowd of 200 to community centre

‘I Love Saltair’ draws crowd of 200 to community centre

“I’m overwhelmed by the number of people who showed up,” said Sean Jonas of the Saltair Community Centre board.

Chemainus BIA makes flower basket case

Says its beautification program will have to be curtailed without municipal funding

Are Ladysmith’s Watersheds important to you?

Last spring, a public meeting was held to determine interest and approaches for building community involvement in watershed management.

Twin Gables tilting but stabilized owner says

The Twin Gables Motel site in Crofton are stable enough to remain standing.

Ladysmith Kin to celebrate Kindness Day

Saturday, February 20th by sponsoring the Family Swim at Frank Jameson Community Centre.
Hair raising funds for vets

Hair raising funds for vets

Rain Stacey finally got her ‘army issue’ cut at the Ladysmith Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Saturday, Jan. 30.
An open and shut case for literacy

An open and shut case for literacy

Imagine taking your book shelf out into the street…