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Get your tree chipped Jan. 3 & 4

Not sure what to do with your Christmas tree? Ladysmith Fire/Rescue has your answer.

Get your tree chipped Jan. 3 & 4

Not sure what to do with your Christmas tree?

Ladysmith Fire/Rescue has your answer. This weekend, (Jan. 3 and 4), you can drop your tree off behind the Ladysmith Fire Hall at 340 Sixth Ave. on Malone Road between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and the firefighters will chip the trees.

Donations will be accepted, and the money raised will go toward restoring the antique 1942 International parade truck.

There will be fire trucks set up for children to explore, and car seat inspections will be offered.

Firefighters will also be driving through the community both days and can pick up your tree if you leave it on the curb in front of your house. You can also call 250-245-6436 and leave your name and address to confirm pick up.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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