• Jan. 21, Comedy night at the Music Hall Food Co. with Sophie Buddle. Show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets $15. Visit musichall.ca or Facebook for more upcoming events.
• Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m., International Guitar Night, Cowichan Performing Arts Centre. An inventive evening of contemporary guitar music from around the globe, IGN is the world’s premier touring guitar festival. “This musical treat has been so popular over the years, we had to bring them back to kick off our 2016 season with a bang,” says Kirsten Schrader, manager of the Performing Arts Centre’s Arts & Culture Division. Tickets: $30, Student $27, Cowichan Folk Guild Member $27, eyeGo $5. See internationalguitarnight.com.
• Jan. 21, 2 p.m., The Nanaimo RCMP in partnership with the City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture, is presenting “Scams and Frauds targeting seniors”. Free, this session will take place at the Bowen Park Clubhouse, 500 Bowen Road, Nanaimo. Cst. Gary O’Brien of the Nanaimo RCMP will talk about current frauds and scams targeting seniors and others. Discussion will focus on telephone, lotto, social media and a variety of other online scams. Call 250-755-7501 to register.
• Jan 26, 7 p.m., Nanaimo Foundation Community Meeting, Guide the future of your community and the causes you care about. Join the Nanaimo Foundation for a presentation and discussion about establishing the Ladysmith Community Fund. For more information visit nanaimofoundation.com/ladysmith-community-fund or call 250-667-4292
• Jan. 26, 7 p.m., Ladysmith Camera Club presents Buying/Upgrading a Photo Editing Computer, a smart shopper’s guide to choosing the right hardware, by Brad Grigor of Turning Point Arts in Saltair. Hardwick Hall, High Street at 3rd Avenue in Ladysmith. Everyone welcome. Non-members $5 drop-in fee. LCC invites new members, novice to pro. www.LadysmithCameraClub.com
• Jan. 29, 7-10 p.m., Cedar Farmers’ Market hosts a 20 year celebration. Join Ken Hamm and friends, who will entertain at the Cedar Community Hall, 2388 Cedar Road. Silent Auction, refreshments by Coco Café. Tickets $20 online at CedarFarmersMarket.org, or at the door.
• Feb. 12, Chemainus Theatre, Opening night for Million Dollar Quartet, Get ready to become flies on the wall of a landmark day in American musical history. A young Jerry Lee Lewis is playing piano for a Carl Perkins recording session, when the sudden appearance of chart-topper Elvis Presley and rising-star Johnny Cash transforms the night into a red-hot recording session. Box office 1-800-565-7738 or chemainustheatre.ca.
• March 14-24, Art Camps at the Nanaimo Art Gallery. During Spring Break the Nanaimo Art Gallery offers a series of Art Camps (each four or five sessions) at its Art Lab, including: Yvonne Vander Kooi, exploring ideas about art, learning and creating using traditional and contemporary approaches to sculpture, painting, video, and photography.; and Carole Brooke, inspired by the work of Ron Tran, who likes to “change the way we see ordinary things by placing them in a different setting.” The camps cost $100 each, materials are included. For more information, or to register, call 250-754-1750.