Fancy yourself a spinner of stories? Then you’ll want to get your fingers clacking in preparation for the second Cedric Literary Awards for writers 50 and up.
“Building on the success of last year’s inaugural Cedric Literary Awards, B.C. writers of a certain age are once again being encouraged to submit their unpublished works of fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry to this year’s competition,” says Cedrics Executive Director Veronica Osborn.
“Unpublished B.C. writers aged 50 and better can submit their work between Feb. 1 and May 1, when the call for submissions will close.
“If last year’s competition is anything to go by, we know this year’s competition will attract a high level of interest in this first-in-Canada writing program.”
In its first year, The Cedric Literary Awards received 168 submissions from writers across Canada, each vying for one of the $3,000 prizes awarded in four categories.
In addition to English-speaking writers, the awards program recognizes there are many writers who are writing in French, and wants to encourage more of them to consider entering their work in this year’s competition.
Similarly, the Cedrics received a number of manuscripts from First Nations writers last year; more will be welcome in 2016.
Cedrics founder Peter Dale says: “We are changing the landscape of literary awards programs in Canada by providing a unique platform to recognize and reward unpublished English and French-speaking authors of fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry, and First Nations writers, age 50 and better.”
Authors interested in taking part in the 2016 Cedric Literary Awards should log on to the website at: or email Veronica at