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Shine up your cars for Aug. 16

"If the weather co-operates, the committee is hoping to have over 250 vehicles registered this year.”
Jacob Reed of Ladysmith recently had a chance to meet Ringo Starr

Jacob Reed of Ladysmith recently had a chance to meet Ringo Starr

Backstage following Starr’s show July 15 at Hard Rock Casino Vancouver.
Mid Island Co-op presents a $1,000 cheque

Mid Island Co-op presents a $1,000 cheque

Ladysmith Festival of Lights Society, which will help put on the town’s 2014 Light Up

Chemainus Secondary School’s award winners

Chemainus Secondary School’s major award winners for the 2013-14 school year.

Renowned muralist returns to Chemainus

Thirty years after painting what is considered Chemainus’ most famous mural, Paul Ygartua was back in town last month
Open house celebrates return of Purple Martins

Open house celebrates return of Purple Martins

The number of Purple Martins in B.C. continues to rise
Where would we be without Victim Services?

Where would we be without Victim Services?

When you first meet Carla and listen to her describing her work, you cannot help but feel the passion and empathy she has.
B.C.'s Elders Gathering in Penticton unique in Canada

B.C.'s Elders Gathering in Penticton unique in Canada

More than 3,500 people attended the 38th annual Elders Gathering in Penticton July 7 to 9.
École Davis Road Elementary Goodbye Party

École Davis Road Elementary Goodbye Party

Staff, students, parents and community members could celebrate.

Chemainus Elementary Grade 7 Celebration

Chemainus Elementary Community School’s Grade 7 Celebration June 25