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4 drugged drinks in 2 months in popular B.C ski town; RCMP

RCMP has investigated multiple reports of drugged drinks in Fernie, B.C since December
Elk Valley RCMP is issuing a warning to the public, following four recent reports of spiked drinks in Fernie (Stock photo)

RCMP is urging residents and visitors of Fernie, B.C to be cautious when spending a night out, after investigating four reports of drugged drinks in the city in the past two months.

The RCMP has gotten four separate reports of spiked drinks from people who visited local establishments in Fernie, starting in December. Although none of the cases have been confirmed by blood or laboratory samples, two of the files remain open for investigation. Fernie is a ski town located in the East Kootenay region of B.C, near the Alberta border.

Police noted Ketamine and GHB are drugs that are commonly used to spike drinks.

“These substances can be very dangerous, particularly when combined with alcohol, as they can cause sedation, memory loss, and even unconsciousness,” said Sgt. Brad Gregory. “We encourage everyone to take steps to protect themselves and their friends, such as watching their drinks closely, never accepting drinks from strangers, and sticking together in social settings.”

Police are encouraging people to report suspicious activity directly to the police to increase public safety.

Anyone with information or concerns can contact the Elk Valley RCMP in Fernie at (250) 423-4404 or in Sparwood at (250) 425-6233, or 911 for emergencies.

About the Author: Gillian Francis

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