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Crash at Ladysmith intersection awaiting activation of new lights

Southbound traffic was down to one lane
A vehicle displays damage after a crash on the Trans-Canada Highway at Roberts Street in Ladysmith on Jan. 2.

There were no reported injuries at a crash at the intersection of Roberts Street and the Trans-Canada Highway, on Thursday, Jan. 2. 

The incident was attended by members of the Ladysmith Fire Rescue Department as well as BC Ambulance Service and the RCMP. 

A blue Mazda, from Washington state, was attempting to make a left turn onto Roberts Street, when it was broadsided by a black Toyota pickup heading south.

Southbound traffic was down to one lane for more than an hour while the incident was cleared up. 

The Ministry of Transportation had dedicated left turn signals installed, for both left north and southbound traffic, at the intersection on the highway in December of 2024. The lights have not yet been activated.

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