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Manitoba teen who wanted to take up arms with ISIL will not be kept in custody

Teen who made pro-ISIL comments sentenced

BRANDON, Man. — A Manitoba teenager who pleaded guilty to counselling terrorism will spend no more time in custody, but will have to live under strict curfew conditions and wear an electronic monitoring device for more than two years.

The teen, who can't be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, was 16 when he was charged with posting pro-terrorism comments on social media.

He had been in custody in Brandon since his arrest in November 2015 and pleaded guilty last year to counselling the commission of an indictable offence for the benefit of a terrorist group.

Court was told the boy urged people to fight for the Islamic State and to "strike from within" if they could not go overseas.

Provincial court Judge John Coombs sentenced the teen to six months deferred custody to be followed by two years of probation that is to include counselling, curfews, electronic monitoring and a ban on using computers.

Coombs said the boy's online threats and plans had to be taken seriously, but also appeared to be more theoretical than practical.

"It is also evident that his stated intentions had little connection to reality," Coombs told court Monday.

"For instance, his plans involved the transportation of significant equipment. He had no access to a motor vehicle and had shown no interest in getting a driver's licence."

The boy apologized at a court hearing in November and said he was struggling with his identity when he made the online comments.

He addressed the court briefly Monday.

"I accept responsibility for what I've done," he said.

The Canadian Press

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