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Ladysmith crib player makes a perfect 29

Ladysmith Golf Club member Tony Winia excels on the course and in the clubhouse
Tony Winia plays a rare perfect hand in crib at the Ladysmith Golf Club on Jan. 31. (Photo submitted)


It wasn’t golf weather at Ladysmith Golf Club, so the members picked another game, and one of them was dealt a rare perfect hand in crib.

Tony Winia is a stalwart volunteer at the golf club, but the weather wasn’t suitable for playing a round of golf or even fixing up the course Jan. 31, so members hung around the clubhouse for some games of crib.

That’s when Winia pulled off what thousands have tried for – a perfect hand. He was dealt three fives and a jack of a spades and then “wham, the five of spades was cut,” he said.

The odds of a perfect 29 hand are one in 216,580, according to the Cribbage Corner website.

“I’ve been playing crib for about 30 years. Way back I played every day at noon, at a plumbing wholesaler for almost five years,” Winia said. “This is the first time, though, that I have ever pulled off a perfect hand.”

If Winia is lucky at crib, he’s skillful at golf, as he scored four hole-in-ones at the course last year and has had about a dozen over the five years he’s been a member.

“I really enjoy the Thursday men’s group and the Sunday mixed league is also a great time,” he said.

As for the volunteering, he helps out where he can with drainage, painting, weed-whacking and punching and sanding the greens in the spring.

“There are always things to do at the course so even if it’s raining I try to get a few items cross off the honey-do list,” Winia said. “Folks need to try the course now. The par 3 is in excellent shape. We have two more months of $10 a day for all-day golf. Golf memberships are only $400 a year.”

READ ALSO: Nanaimo crib player dealt a perfect 29

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