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May 13, 2024

In loving memory ~

Shatford, Thelma Marguerite peacefully passed away at the age of 89, in the Palliative Unit, at Saanich Peninsula Hospital, on Monday evening May 13, 2024.

Thank you to Dr Kwasnica, and the superb palliative care staff. She is survived by her two sons and spouses, four granddaughters, three great grandsons , one great granddaughter, many nieces, nephews, and friends who will miss her incredible smile. The family would also like to thank the staff and assisted-living residents at The Shoal Centre, where Thelma enjoyed her last nine months.

Memorial donations may be made to Beacon Community Services in support of the recreation program for Shoal Assisted Living.

Donations can be made online at or by mailing a cheque to 2723 Quadra St., Victoria, BC, V8T 4E5 attn: Development Department

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