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Editorial: Don't lose interest

Let us give thanks to governments of all levels.Despite the reputations of empty promises and overspending, they are always there when you need them the most. When you have no ideas to write about, they go and call an election.Now we’re not here to endorse anyone. We would never try to point you in any direction. However, whenever we find ourselves staring down the barrel of multiple elections, people inevitably start talking about election fatigue.Election fatigue is not a recognized medical condition, but if someone thought it could help them get more votes, it would be in the curriculum.The races started with Liberal and NDP leaders Gordon Campbell and Carole James stepping down and triggering leadership bouts within their respective camps. Sure we all couldn’t vote in those, but were still subject to the constant campaigning and speeches.Now we are looking at a federal election next month, municipal and school board elections later this year and we are hearing the early sparks of a possible provincial election.And would you be surprised if any of them, or all of them combined, get more votes than the finale of Canadian Idol.Federal voter turnout was around 58 per cent in 2008, the lowest it reached since 1898, and that was for a referendum.Many cherish the right to vote — as we should. But there is a growing number of our population that is opting to drop out of the process.Looking at the situation in the Middle East where people are giving their lives for the chance of choice, we should be thankful we have the option.There is no denying there is a lot to take in, so start small. Know what issues are important to you and take time to understand where the candidates stand.

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