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Eighth Cinnamon Bun Fun Run was most successful event yet

John Mountain of the Ladysmith Striders reports on the record number of participants and food raised for the Ladysmith Food Bank.


We’re proud to report that our eighth annual Cinnamon Bun Fun Run was our most successful event ever.

There was a record number of 492 walkers and runners this year, and they arrived in Ladysmith from points as far away as Victoria, Port Alberni and Campbell River.

Participants generously unloaded their pockets and their shopping bags and left behind over 4,000 pounds of food and over $1,300 worth of cash and cheques in our donation box.

Overall, the amount of money raised for the Ladysmith Food Bank at the eighth annual Cinnamon Bun Fun Run topped out at over $4,000 dollars.

The Ladysmith Striders take pride in their efforts to present not only a community event, but a family event where friends and family come together in a way that promotes wellness, fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Thank you to everyone who made this such a success.

John Mountain

Cinnamon Bun Fun Run race director and registration co-ordinator

Ladysmith Striders

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