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Ladysmith Coats for Kids Program a big success

Again this year, the Coats for Kids Program was successful in reaching those in need of warm coats and accessories in Ladysmith.


Again this year, the Coats for Kids Program was successful in reaching those in need of warm winter coats and accessories.

From mid-November to mid-December, we distributed 196 coats and 176 hats, mitts and scarves through the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association.

A huge thank you to our “Knitters” (you know who you are) who were especially busy this year, the Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary for their kind donations every week of kid-sized coats, and the entire community for their generosity in donating to this worthwhile program.

A special thank you also to Bridges Church, which went the extra distance this year to purchase eight brand-new teenager-sized jackets.

What an amazing community!


Wendy Chapman and Morna Rockingham

Co-ordinators, Coats for Kids Program

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