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Letter: Deny Chemainus highway development

Council will doubtless receive constructive views at the proposal’s planned public hearing

Dear North Cowichan mayor and council:

We side with our official community plan’s industrial-land preservation policies, and staff’s recommended denial of a proposed Chemainus highway commercial development.

Details appeared on the Cowichan Citizen’s website Oct. 31, 2024.

The proposal — boosting highway sprawl, traffic congestion and emissions from two drive-throughs — is also rejected by local residents. They are worried about more air, noise and visual pollution at Mural Town’s major entryway.

Council will doubtless receive constructive views at the proposal’s planned public hearing.

We oppose a suggested amendment to our OCP and zoning bylaws for this commercial project, parts of which could be better suited near Chemainus’ core on appropriately zoned land.

Coun. Mike Caljouw Jr.’s suggestion drive-through emissions would be mitigated as “we’re all going toward electric cars" is specious at best. Many folks cannot afford an electric vehicle, nor other household basics such as affordable rent, social experts say.

Perhaps our resurrected economic development committee should work harder at attracting green job- and tax-producing industrial businesses for this prime site.

Yours in smart growth,

Peter W. Rusland

North Cowichan

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