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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Minimum wage hike doesn’t help workers or business owners

B.C. government overlooking realities of how small businesses operate, says letter writer
Minimum wage increase will cost small-business owners and result in negative impacts for workers, says letter writer. (Stock photo)

To the editor,

Re: B.C.’s minimum wage going up by $1.10, April 5.

The B.C. minimum wage will increase to $16.75 per hour from $15.65 per hour effective June 1.

A increase in minimum wage only does three things. One is the employer will no longer hire new employees unless a present employee quits and the employer needs a replacement to fill that job. Two is all present employees will have their hours of work reduced. Thirdly, some will end up heading to file a claim for unemployment insurance. My neighbour works at a fast food outlet. She used to get a free meal each work day. After the last minimum wage increase last year, she had to now pay 50 per cent of the cost for the meal. Her hours of work were reduced, thus her take-home pay was the same even with the wage increase because of fewer working hours.

The small business owner will now pay more in employer share of benefits. Vacation pay will increase. Workers’ compensation amounts will go up. More will be paid for the health employer tax. Some employers who have an employee benefit plan will also see an increase in costs as benefit plans are based on total wages.

NDP math is for the small business owner to raise their pricing on items to off-set the wage increase. The small business owner math is to cut down on labour expenses and keep the pricing the same with no increases. Customers in principle agree with higher wages, but on the other hand do not agree paying more for items. The NDP government has no knowledge of how a small business operates. A real shame especially when they collect all of the taxpayers’ money.


Joe Sawchuk, Duncan

The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press Media or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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