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When will we start protecting our children?

When are the laws and the sentencing going to reflect the lifelong damage that pedophiles inflict on their victims?


Re: Ladysmith man will appear in Nanaimo court on child pornography charge

When are the laws and the sentencing going to reflect the lifelong damage that pedophiles inflict on their victims?

When are the courts going to recognize that pedophiles have the highest recidivism rate of any criminal and always have dozens of victims over decades of calculated attacks?

When are we going to ask the partners, family members, friends and coworkers of these molesters and rapists what they knew and when?

Will we begin to prosecute those who aid these pedophiles by turning a blind eye to the atrocities they are committing? Does the wife really not know what the husband is doing on multiple home computers, with video equipment and copious amounts of data storage devices?

When will we help the police to find these monsters and lock them up for the safety of our community, instead of granting them bail, or even worse, letting the statute of limitations protect the offender, while the victim still deals with the abuse of the past which has now infected their present relationships with friends, family and their own children?

When will Canada, as a world leader that is seen as ethical and forward-thinking, stop protecting pedophiles and start protecting children?

We need to end the silence around the sexual abuse of children and imprison for life these disgusting men who destroy innocent lives!

Brooke Fader


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