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Ladysmith paralyzes competition

Softball season winds down
Teri-Dawn Wells of the Ladysmith Paralyzers makes contact during a game against Wheatsheaf at the Coffee League softball championship tournament at Nanaimo’s McGirr Sports Fields. Ladysmith won the game 10-7.

The Ladysmith Paralyzers stunned their opponents June 20 and 21 during the Nanaimo Coffee League’s annual tournament.

“We did well,” said team member Mary Clarke. “It was a funny little tournament, but we ended up with three wins and one loss.”

The Nanaimo Coffee League plays every Monday and Wednesday morning from April to June. There are 18 members on the Ladysmith Paralyzers, and Clarke said there is always room for more.

“The league could use more people if there’s anyone from Yellowpoint down who might be reading our paper, certainly our league needs more people,” Clarke said.



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