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QUIZ: A celebration of Canada-U.S. friendship

The United States and Canada have enjoyed a long history as good neighbours and close friends

Canada and the United States have a long history of close ties. 

In past years, the countries have enjoyed strong economic connections, faced each other in sporting competitions and come together during times of war and international tensions. 

At the same time, each is a unique nation, with its own identity, customs and values. Canada is not a colder version of the United States, and the United States should not be seen as a more populous version of Canada. 

How much do you know about the close friendships, the similarities and the differences between these two countries? Put your knowledge to the test with these 10 questions. 

Then, reach out a hand of friendship and celebrate the close ties between our neighbouring countries. 

Good luck. 


John Arendt

About the Author: John Arendt

I have worked as a newspaper journalist since 1989 and have been at the Summerland Review since 1994.
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