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Ladysmith artists open their studios at spring tour

The Arts Council of Ladysmith and District’s Spring Art Tour was held April 14-16
Steen Hjort, local wood turner, presented his wooden creations, including bowls, cups and sewing kits at the Ladysmith Art Tour. (Bailey Seymour/News Bulletin)

Ladysmith and Chemainus artists were happy to show the work they’ve been creating, and also where they create it.

Nearly a dozen artists in the area opened up their studios for the Arts Council of Ladysmith and District’s Spring Art Tour this past weekend, April 14-16.

This year’s tour included six stops in Ladysmith, three along Chemainus Road and two in downtown Chemainus. Community members were invited to be their own guide for the tour with a map that showed the location of each studio, so participants could explore at their own pace.

Joanie Winnitoy, an acrylic painter, had more than 100 paintings to show and sell in her studio.

“This is my big event for the year, it really feeds the soul,” said Winnitoy. “This morning I met a woman and her daughter and we got to talking about art, about gardening. It really brings everyone together, it’s astounding.”

Steen Hjort, a wood-turner who specializes in wooden bowls, was another artist who opened up his workshop for the weekend.

“People really don’t get close to their neighbours anymore, so now my neighbours walk by and say hello, they see everything I do in here every day. It also gives me a outlet for creativity,” he said.

The arts council is also hosting an art show called Contrast at the Waterfront Gallery starting on April 19.

READ ALSO: Easter artwork in Ladysmith all it’s cracked up to be

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Joanie Winnitoy, an acrylic painter, showcases her work and her studio during the Ladysmith Spring Art Tour on April 14. (Bailey Seymour/News Bulletin)

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