Christmas is a time of giving, tradition and music, and the upcoming Ladysmith Celebration of Light combines all three.
The Ladysmith Celebration of Light will take place Friday, Dec. 19 at the Ladysmith Eagles Hall and will help feed our community by raising much-needed funds and food. This will be the sixth year for the popular event.
“The first year was held in one of the organizers’ basements, so it wasn’t really an official event, but we’ve don’t it for three years in a row at the Eagles Hall,” said Marny Beaton, one of the organizers. “ “The Eagles have been so amazing, donating the hall to us, and they’ve been very generous as well.”
The Celebration of Light is a Christmas fundraiser for the Ladysmith Food Bank and the soup kitchen run by local townsfolk, chaired by The Rock Christian Fellowship sponsored by local businesses, service clubs, individuals and churches.
Beaton says last year’s Celebration of Light raised more than $4,000 and a truckload of food for the Ladysmith Food Bank.
“The community really supports it, and that’s why we keep doing it,” she said. “We feel it makes a difference. I think at Christmas time, people are feeling generous and thinking of others, and so this is the best time to hold something like this. This year, we decided we’re going to try to expand our giving and give something to the soup kitchen as well.”
Proceeds from ticket sales and the food donations will go to the food bank, while there will be donation jars on each table, and the money from those jars will go to the soup kitchen.
This year’s musical lineup features Skellig, Dead Byrds, Ryan McMahon, Elf Song, Kendall Patrick and the Headless Bettys, Chris Andres and Little Nectar, and there will be carols by The Celebration Brass Band.
There are many festive goodies for those who attend, as the price of admission includes homemade baked treats, cookies donated by In The Beantime Cafe and hot drinks donated by Starbucks.
“It’s just a great night,” said Beaton.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the music goes from 7-10 p.m. at the Ladysmith Eagles Hall.
Admission is $7.50 per person, plus a cash or food donation for the Ladysmith Food Bank, and tickets are available at the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association at 630 Second Ave.
Celebration of Lights organizers say the preferred items for the Food Bank are peanut butter; canned meat and fish; canned chili, stew and baked beans; canned pasta sauce; and canned vegetables.