Pull on your cowboy boots, wear your plaid shirt and blue jeans with pride and boot scoot your way to St. Joseph’s annual barn dance.
“This is the big fundraiser for the year,” principal Gwen Jahelka said about the ninth annual event.
“It’s an adult event and always a great time.”
There will be a live and silent auction, dinner and live entertainment.
Jahelka said there will be salmon supplied by First Nations families.
All the proceeds go directly to the children for enhancing learning at the school.
“Computer programs, field trips, library items,” Jahelka listed.
Music will be performed by “Johnny Inappropriate.”
Jahelka said the event just keeps on getting better every year.
“Last year was phenomenal,” she said.
With more than 180 people and $18,000 raised, Jahelka said it was a great success.
“We’re pretty excited,” she said of this year’s event.
The event is Saturday, April 9 and doors open at 5:30 p.m.
Tickets are $30 each and are available at St. Joseph’s and Chemainus Foods.
Safe rides home will be provided.