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Local students eligible for polio vaccine

Chronicles from the past, February 1915, 1955, 1985

February 1915

There will be a dance in the old Finn Hall Saturday night at 8 o’clock. Admission 35 cents and 15 cents, Ladies free.

Broadbent’s orchestra in attendance.

About 25 recruits have joined the third contingent at Ladysmith for service overseas.

February 1955

All children in this school district who were born in 1949 will be eligible to receive the new Salk Vaccine for polio this year, provided their parents register them, public health authorities announced this week.

Only a limited supply of the new vaccine will be available this year, so the registration is necessary to determine in advance exactly how much will be required in this area.

The vaccine will be flown from Vancouver when the clinics are held.

February 1985

Ladysmith volunteer firefighters will be paid for false alarm callouts.

Council agreed to the request to pay $1 a man for responding to a false alarm, effective Jan. 1.

In 1983, local firemen dealt with seven false alarms, and in 1984, eight.

Alderman Brownlow asked that the number of paid false calls be limited to 20 per year, but could not solicit support from council.

“If that problem ever arose,” Ald. Mulroney countered, “it could be dealt with at that time.”

Compiled by Nadine Read,Ladysmith Historical Society


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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