Ladysmith winners of the Grade 9 and 10 Remembrance Day writing, and art contest were announced at Branch 171 of the Royal Canadian Legion Sunday, Dec. 6.
The winning entries will be forwarded to the BC & Yukon Command and entered at the provincial level; then three winners from each category at the provincial level will be forwarded to Ottawa and entered at the national level.
National level winning entries will be displayed for one year at the National War Museum and Parliament Hill.
Ladysmith winners were:
Grade 10 - Poem, Anna Ciarniello; Black & White Poster, Piper Doerkson; Colour Poster, Meghan Howry; Essay, Alexis Bishop.
Grade 9 - Poem, Emma Marks; Poster Black & White, Ella Van Horne; Colour Poster, Shyanna Cavey.
Legion President Gary Phillips and Past President Roy Empy congratulated the students for their work.
November Eleventh
by Piper Doerkson
November Eleventh,A day we shall not forget.Men and women gave their livesSo we could have our freedom.
We stand in a moment of silence, paying respectTo those who died.But the fighting hasn’t stoppedSoldiers are still dying.
Families are torn apart.Their lips and fingers urge to sootheSomething that isSo hopelessly gone.No one to hold them with the same, swift attachment.
My heart is broken.They gave their lives for nothing…Why can’t there be peace and rest?Those souls who gave their lives in Flanders fields,I will always remember...