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BC swim coach

Hope tHope this note finds you well,Hope this note finds you well,his note finds you well,Hope this note finds you well,

We are away in Toronto for the Canadian Trials this week.

I will get back to you after Easter.






Hi Lindsay,

Hope this note finds you well,

Just an FYI – Coach Dusan has been selected as on one of only four coaches to Coach the Team BC Prospects camp in Lethbridge Alberta in April ( there are hundreds of coaches to choose from.....) – As well Faith Knelson has been selected as one of six  the 13 year old girls to attend

Please see attached

Thanks so much

Shelley Anderson


Ladysmith Chemainus Swim Club

From: Dusan Toth-Szabo []

Sent: March-19-15 9:55 PM

To: Mike Flegel - SwimBC

Cc: Shelley Anderson

Subject: Re: 2015 Prospects West Selection


Just wanted to let you know that both Faith and I will be attending at the Prospect Camp.

My understanding is that we are flying to and from Vancouver as well. Is it correct? If so, what time should we make our reservation?

Will the new provincial coach be there?


Sent from my iPad

On Mar 17, 2015, at 2:37 PM, "Mike Flegel - SwimBC" wrote:

Hi Coaches,

Please see the attachment that outlines the selected swimmers for the 2015 Prospects West initiative, which will be taking place in Lethbridge, AB, from April 16-19, 2015.

Please note that three alternates are included with each age category; in the event that a selected swimmer declines, we will inform and invite the alternates in the order presented.

The alternates were chosen by the selection committee (three BCSCA representatives and one SwimBC staff member) and done so as to expedite the confirmation of the team members.

The rough outline of the content of the camp, spear-headed by Mark Perry, SwimAlberta Provincial Coach, is attached.

Please note that the camp content will be markedly different from past years, in that

(a) Each coach will be assigned a training group for the duration of the camp - the group will be approx. six swimmers, with some from other provinces;

(b) The content of the camp for the swimmers will be focused on "getting better", and not so much on "training harder".  Having a dedicated coach with each training group will help to accomplish this.

What I need from you:

Confirmation or decline no later than Monday, March 23; this includes those listed as "alternates".

If we hear nothing by then, we will assume that your swimmer is declining and move on to the alternates.

If you are a coach on the list, similarly, please let me know by that same date if you accept the nomination to the team.



Mike Flegel, ChPC

Swim BC

Program Director | Regional Technical Coach

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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