Ladysmith's first annual self-guided garden tour of art is taking place this summer and there's a big enough time frame to suit everybody.
The Artist's Garden Studio and Garden Tour will take place from June 1 all the way through to Spetember 14 with a variety of artists set to stage their own artwork from the comfort of their back yards.
The tour has been instigated by the Ladysmith Arts Council and newly promoted member to the board of directors Peggy Grigor has been the inspiration behind it.
"I used to have a pottery store in Chemainus and moved my studio home to Saltair," said Grigor. "My garden was sadly getting neglected so I contacted Kathy Holmes (president of the Ladysmith Arts Council) and said I'd love to share all of these fun things in my garden. Most people love the landscape here as well and this is all about getting the local art economy going again.
"We have glass artists, metal artists, potters and painters. Each have their own gardens and studios in their homes. The artists come from all over Ladysmith, Cedar and Saltair."
The length of the tour has been chosen deliberately so that everyone in the community has the chance to get involved and view the artwork, as well as the change in some of the gardens over the summer months.
"It's modeled off the Saltspring Island studio tour," said Grigor. "It can be challenging for some people to get there if a tour is just one week or a weekend and not everyone is available all the time in the summer either. Gardens evolve through the summer as well."
Brochures for the tour will be scattered across the community.
"There's brochures at the Waterfront Gallery, every chamber of commerce from Duncan up, local businesses will have them and restaurants as well. There's also a link to the brochure on our Facebook page," said Grigor.
Some of the featured artists include Mary Fox, William Molnar, Lynda Westrom, Gregory Ball, Sally Mann and Grigor herself.
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