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LETTER: London Drugs president supports local news

‘We are continuing our commitment to print our flyers and distribute them through community newspapers’

People are staying home and staying local. And because of this, we are forming new habits that reflect ‘old’ ways. We are ‘staying put’ in our neighbourhoods and we are living life, more simply. Living simpler includes how we consume and respond to news updates and changes in our lives right now.

We are eating at home more, sitting down with our immediate family members, talking about the day’s events and watching the 6 p.m. newscast, together. And through all of this, local news organizations, including community newspapers, have been on the front lines providing vital information.

In towns and municipalities dotted all across Canada, daily and weekly newspapers and community publications help keep residents informed and communities strong.

But the vital news coverage and community-building they provide is imperiled. Almost overnight, community newspaper advertising revenues have collapsed and some major retailers have decided to cut back on their flyer distribution or have stopped printing flyers altogether.

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London Drugs knows that for many people in our smaller communities especially, these publications are an essential source for news and information and something residents look forward to.

We know many of our customers enjoy the ritual of reviewing the flyers, planning their shopping trips and will potentially rely now more than ever on printed flyers to find the best prices on products they want and need every day. Whether it is comparing and finding the best prices on vitamins or learning about new innovative products landing in stores, the printed flyer is still read by many.

We know printed flyers are crucial for community newspapers especially during these challenging times. We are hearing about newspapers that are running at below cost, and they are doing everything they can to stay afloat.

At a time when so much is changing and out of our control, we believe in maintaining what we can.

We are continuing our commitment to print our flyers and distribute them through community newspapers. This helps to support 80-plus local publications in communities throughout Western Canada. And our customers who crave our physical flyers, will still get what they need.

For 75 years the London Drugs family has worked hard to provide essential products and services to families across Western Canada. Now we are working more diligently than ever before, to provide these services while keeping our staff and customers healthy and safe. We are committed as ever, to supporting our customers, neighbourhoods and local communities during these challenging times.

We’ll get through this, together.

Clint Mahlman

President and Chief Operating Officer at London Drugs

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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