As the province continues its efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, a helpline dedicated to connecting people with community programs and services expects more people will be reaching out in search of support.
“We saw a spike in volume when the pandemic first hit, and as measures are taken to reduce the spread of the virus, we expect more people will be looking for help,” says Irene Chanin, Chief Executive Officer of BC 211.
211 is a helpline available 24 hours a day, every day in more than 150 languages.
When somebody calls, they are connected with a real person who will ask questions about their situation and then find the right programs and services. Sometimes it’s a senior remaining safe in their home but needing help accessing groceries, other times it’s a parent looking for help to pay bills after being laid off, or a young person looking for help to understand what government programs are available to them.
During a recent announcement about the expansion of 211 across the country, the honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, echoed the importance of 211 during this unprecedented time.
“With the ongoing pandemic, the 211 service is more important than ever, helping get information about community services to the Canadians who need it,” Hussen said in a news release.
Residents in even the smallest communities can find comfort in knowing that they don’t need to face problems alone.
“We live in a time where there is a vast amount of information at our fingertips, but sometimes wading through it all to find what you need can be overwhelming,” says Chanin. “211 Navigators can quickly and easily help you find the right service for your unique situation.”
Access this service today by dialling 2-1-1 or visiting