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Fireworks a risky business as smashing pumpkins entertain

Ladysmith Police Briefs - fireworks risky business

Police responded to a total of 76 calls for service during this period of time. To date, 3,418 incidents have been reported to the detachment (down from 3,591 for the same period in 2010).

In the past week, a few fly-by-night businesses popped up near the community.

There are many reasons not to use fireworks, but here are a few:

Irresponsible and criminal use of fireworks poses a danger to both the people using them and innocent members of the public.

People who stand too close to the fireworks run a high risk of being harmed.

Sparklers can ignite clothing and hair. Three sparklers burning together create the heat of a blow torch.

Fireworks have been proven to be detrimental to companion animals and wildlife. Using fireworks near animals is both cruel and inhumane as explosive fireworks cause animals immense fear and stress.


Tuesday, Oct. 18

❱ A TELUS employee reported the theft of cable from along Cedar Road near Yellow Point Road. The cable that had recently been cut with at least six spans (about 50 metres each) stolen. There are no identifiable marks on the inner cable but the outer black casing may have TELUS markings and or serial numbers.


Wednesday, Oct. 19

❱ A local gas station reported a suspicious male who came into the gas bar, took some coffee then left without paying. RCMP attended and located the male who was a transient with no fixed address. The male left the community without further incident.


Thursday, Oct. 20

❱ An officer on patrol on Oyster Bay Drive observed a parked vehicle on the side of the road. Two females and a male were standing at the rear of the vehicle and another male was observed coming from the shoreline. No liquor was observed in the vehicle but several beer bottles were empty in the grass with one broken at the front of the vehicle. A partial case of beer was seized from the trunk.

❱ An individual reported  his credit card number being used for online purchases. An online company called to verify his purchase of a brown pair of shoes for $140. He advised that he did not order any shoes and cancelled the purchase. The individual then called his bank and learned of a transaction for $3,100 the previous day and put a hold on his card. The purchase of the shoes were tracked to a residence in Nanaimo. The investigation is ongoing.


Friday, Oct. 21

❱ A theft of 12 red 8 by 16 paving stones was reported from a backyard on Stillin Drive. The stones were valued at $50.

❱ Youths flagged down an RCMP officer at 510 6th Ave in Ladysmith to report a fight behind Ladysmith Secondary School and that a youth had smashed a window. The suspect was described, later pointed out and followed to the rear of the high school, where he was taken into custody. He had cut his hand while smashing a window out at Ladysmith Primary School and taken to Nanaimo Regional Hospital for stitches. The male was then placed in cells until sober and later released on a promise to appear and an undertaking for mischief and for breach of his probation for consuming alcohol and breaching his curfew.


Saturday, Oct. 22

❱ Someone placed pumpkins in the southbound lane of the Trans-Canada Highway about 200 yards south of 1st Ave.  An officer removed the pumpkins. No suspects were located, however a 49th Parallel grocery cart with a dozen pumpkins was located near by.


Sunday, Oct. 23

❱ A member patrolling southbound on 4th Ave. stopped a vehicle at Baden-Powell St, the member stopped a vehicle for having no insurance. Valid insurance could not be produced and the data base confirmed it had expired in July. A ticket was issued for $598 and the vehicle was towed.


Monday, .Oct. 24

❱ Someone attempted to enter a pickup parked in the 600 block of 3rd Ave. A family member was driving by at approximately 5 a.m. and noticed the driver’s door ajar and the interior light on. The driver’s door and passenger door had paint chips that were not there the previous day. The gas cap was also missing from the vehicle

❱ A break and enter was reported into a tugboat which is located in the Coal Harbour dogpatch. It appears as if the culprits entered through the smoke stack and took several pieces of metal from the engine room.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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