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Ladysmith council looking at grants-in-aid

Requests for grants-in-aid are almost double last year's funding.

What do the Ladysmith Celebrations Society, Ladysmith and District Marine Rescue Society, Ladysmith Resources Centre Association, Ladysmith Citizens on Patrol and Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society have in common?

They are among the many community organizations that make a difference in the lives of Ladysmith residents through celebrations, harbour functions, resource programs, support, education, sport and more, and they are among the organizations applying for grants-in-aid from the Town of Ladysmith in 2012.

Ladysmith council began considering the requests from community groups and organizations for grant-in-aid funding during last Monday’s council meeting.

Councillors went through the list of requests — 28 in total — to try to determine how much money they would like to give each organization. Requests range from $22,000 to make the 25th anniversary Festival of Lights bigger and better to $950 for the Ladysmith Senior Advisory Council.

Last year, the Town of Ladysmith gave out $97,750 in grant-in-aid funding. This year, the requested grants add up to $185,610.

“The ask is almost double,” said Mayor Rob Hutchins.

Council will look at the requests again during its next budget meeting, likely March 19.

While the amount of funding available for the organizations is still up in the air, councillors were in agreement about the important work these groups do and the services they provide.

“Thank you to the members of our community who do so much to make things happen,” said Hutchins.

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