Although the heat wave is simmering in much of British Columbia, meteorologist Lisa Erven said more hot temperatures are in store for the province.
Records were shattered Monday and Tuesday when highs crawled into the 40s, including in Lytton village, which recorded temperatures in excess of 49 C.
Environment Canada is forecasting a continuance of those high temperatures in the coming days.
“It will be five to ten degrees above what is normal for this time of year, depending on which community you are in,” Erven said as the high ridge of pressure hovering over B.C. makes its way to the prairies.
READ MORE: Heatwave marked by unusually high nighttime temperatures
“We’re coming off a historic heat wave, those persistent high pressures will have cumulative effects on the rest of summer,” said the meteorologist.
A summer hotter than usual
Seasonal modelling is predicting higher-than-normal temperatures in parts of the province that will endure through August and September.
That will start the second week of July unless British Columbia undergoes an equally extreme cooling event, Erven said. “Keep in mind that seasonal models don’t account for cold fronts or widespread rainfall.”
By the end of summer, Environment Canada has the province forecast for overall higher-than-average temperatures.
Keep an eye on local forecasts in order to be prepared for the next significant weather event, Erven urged.
READ ALSO: Heat wave sets new record for peak hourly demand: BC Hydro
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