Eat more fruits and veggies, not protein
When I read [the recent] article about happy old aging I said to myself, damn, I’m going to have to write to you again. So here goes:
Let’s talk about real food, not imitation food-like substances such as donuts, cornflakes and hundreds more such products.
Happier aging begins or ends with what you have in your kitchen and what you eat! Chris Wilkinson said we need more protein and that we need to measure it. Nonsense! We are already consuming too much protein, especially animal protein. What we need is more real food, not manufactured food-like products full of sugar, chemicals and preservatives.
You cannot overeat on green, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit or berries and you will not get sick or fat from eating them.
What to eat is very simple (thanks Dr. Joel Fuhrman), eat GBOMBS:
G: greens, kale, spinach, swiss chard, etc.
B: beans, lentils
O: onions
M: mushrooms, all kinds
B: berries, the darker the better
S: seeds, all
No mention of animal products! If you have to eat meat do it very sparingly and maybe only one a week.
Four eggs? For one person? Eggs that probably came from a chicken that will spend her entire life in solitary confinement, never see the sun or any of her children! I will not eat those eggs. If the hen lives out in the yard where she can search for bugs, chat with her sisters, flirt with the rooster and look after her children, maybe I will eat one or two once a week, but not much more.
Try to get rid of your addictions to modern, manufactured junk that the food giants market as real food. Imagine if Kelloggs, General Mills, etc. were to go bankrupt. (Dream on) In the meantime, try to eat real food that is nutrious, not addictive, and will perhaps produce a long, healthy and happy old age. I have not eaten white sugar or white flour for many years and I do not miss them.
Toby Riley