We receive the Ladysmith Chronicle and saw the picture of the Korean War Vets with Clarence Dockstader.
My husband, John Johnson, was in the Crusader at the same time as “Doc.” He received, as I imagine Doc did, medals, etc., and a letter from the Korean Government for his services. It is a beautiful gift and, as I understand, is available to all who served in Korea.
We lived in Ladysmith six years in the 1990s at 410 High St., and we built the garage and did a lot of renovating on the house. I hope the people that live there now take care of the place. I always remember the raspberry patch that had the best raspberries and was probably planted by the people we bought the place from.
We worked at the hospital Thrift Shop and think of all the great people that worked there too.
Ladysmith is a great town, and I often wish I had stayed there.
Catherine Johnson