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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Time to face facts regarding rail line

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Time to face facts regarding rail line

Establish an active transportation route along the corridor, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Universal health care is hard to access

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Universal health care is hard to access

Lack of access to medical care challenging for seniors, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: It will take a living wage to lift people out of poverty

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: It will take a living wage to lift people out of poverty

Business plans should be developed based on paying people a living wage, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Put a stop to fracking to protect province from climate disaster

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Put a stop to fracking to protect province from climate disaster

Natural gas extraction has negative impacts on the environment and public health, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Maritime society asked to walk away from ‘labour and love’

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Maritime society asked to walk away from ‘labour and love’

There has been a gross lack of communication on this issue, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Drug prohibition only makes matters worse

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Drug prohibition only makes matters worse

Criminalizing those who choose to ingest a plant or substance is wrong-minded, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Overdoses coming ‘a matter of seconds’ following drug deals

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Overdoses coming ‘a matter of seconds’ following drug deals

Families are trying to reach out to whoever will listen, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Horse that was shot was a ‘good friend’ in Cedar

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Horse that was shot was a ‘good friend’ in Cedar

Interactions with horse were a highlight of walks in the neighbourhood, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Minimum wage hike doesn’t help workers or business owners

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Minimum wage hike doesn’t help workers or business owners

B.C. government overlooking realities of how small businesses operate, says letter writer
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Province continues to legislate poverty

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Province continues to legislate poverty

B.C. government disrespecting vulnerable citizens, says letter writer